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We are VIETNAM COCONUT IMP-EXP CO., LTD, one of the large NATA DE COCO manufacturers in Viet Nam such as: Raw nata de coco, Nata de coco jelly, Nata de coco jelly with flavor and sugar ,Nata de coco for face.
With many experience years in growing and exporting these products, we ensure to supply the premium quality products at the very competitive prices.
VNCOCO.,LTD is a professional Vietnam product and manufacturing sourcing company. Aimed to be your buying agent, we provide product procurement and export services to markets worldwide. We are committed in giving priority to cost, transportation, improved supply chain, and efficient services.
Through us, client’s can access Vietnam-manufactured and wholesale products effortlessly so that they can focus on what really matters for their business and ultimately manage their profits. Our team of specialists together with a strong network of suppliers and manufacturers enable us to deliver on time, exceeding our client’s expectations. We offer fully scalable and customizable sourcing solutions for a wide range of products across all types of industries.
We firmly believe that apart from providing exceptional services, honesty and building long-term relationships are equally important.
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